Dear Sir/Madam,


Gwent Wildlife Trust welcomes this opportunity to submit comments to the Committee’s annual scrutiny of Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

Whist our broader comments on NRW’s performance have been incorporated within the submission from Wildlife Trust in Wales, we have felt it important to submit specific comments on the issue of Circuit of Wales. In particular, we felt that it was important to highlight our concerns over NRW’s role and its functions within the March 2015 Public Inquiry into the proposed Commons Deregistration (Section 16) held in Ebbw Vale. We hope that our comments are useful.


Circuit of Wales Planning Process:

The original CCW response raised several objections and recommended refusal:


As the proposal is likely to have significant direct and indirect environmental impacts (as outlined below), CCW are of the opinion it is contrary to national policy in particular PPW para 4.4.3.’


‘CCW is strongly of the view that the proposal will be widely seen and heard from these moorlands and beyond and will have a major adverse impact on the character and special qualities of Mynydd Llangynidr and Mynydd Llangatwg parts of the Brecon Beacons National Park.’


‘As a result, CCW are concerned that the proposed development in this location will have a negative impact on the tranquillity qualities of the BBNP.’


The proposal lies within and would have a significant adverse effect on the Trefil and Garnlydan Special Landscape Area (Blaenau Gwent).


‘CCW are of the view that loss of habitats and species associated with these habitats is likely to be substantial and the ES has not shown that this can be adequately mitigated.’


‘CCW are strongly of the view that the loss of peat soils and associated release of greenhouse gases is unacceptable.’


‘Finally, we are minded to write to the Welsh Government to advise them that we consider this application raises planning issues of more than local importance and recommend that it be called in for their determination. We are of the opinion that issues of significance in this context are:

·         Departure from national planning policy

·         The implications for the Brecon Beacons National Park

·         The loss of Biodiversity including BAP habitats and peat soils resource’



NRW initially appeared to maintain their objection, but stated a willingness to work with the developer – ‘On 12th June, NRW confirmed their objection but expressed a willingness to work with the applicants to address areas of dispute. They requested a more accurate survey of the site and that the mitigation area be larger to compensate for the impact. If these two issues could be addressed, then subject to there being no European Protected Species on site they consider their concerns would be alleviated and they would work to agree a suitable management strategy with the applicants and the Council.’(Circuit of Wales Officer Report for Planning Committee para 19.7)


The extent of the peat loss was later found to be less than originally thought, but we believe that the detailed peat study was carried out after the planning decision, so there was no way it could have informed the NRW decision.


Sadly, the planning committee didn’t even discuss the biodiversity issues. The officer report implied that as the developer and NRW were ‘in talks’ the matters could be resolved.


Circuit of Wales Public Inquiry (Commons Deregistration – Section 16) March 2015



GWT has a proud track record of working in partnership with statutory environment bodies within Wales. We have not always agreed with the decisions made by such bodies, nor would we expect to agree on all occasions. We are, nonetheless, convinced of the vital importance of a fully functioning and independent statutory environmental body. We would argue that such a body (or bodies) should be fully resourced in order to advocate and promote best environmental and ecological practice, and to enforce environmental legislation and standards where appropriate.

Our experience of NRW’s work as it has unfolded around the Circuit of Wales development suggests that many of these desirable qualities of a statutory environmental body are currently under threat from an agenda that is pushing NRW too far towards uncritical acceptance of a pro-development agenda. Despite various meetings and conversations with senior NRW staff the causes of this cultural shift are unclear. If this shifting agenda continues to define the work of NRW to the exclusion of well-tested environmental and ecological concepts and processes, then the wildlife and ecosystems of Wales will face increased risks of permanent damage and loss.


Ian Rappel, CEO, Gwent Wildlife Trust

Sorrel Jones, Conservation Officer, Gwent Wildlife Trust


Document evidence enclosed:

Original CCW objection to the Circuit of Wales development

Subsequent NRW comments regarding the Circuit of Wales development

Officer report (recommending approval) for the Circuit of Wales development

Unfortunately, we do not have an electronic copy of the MOU between NRW and the Heads of the Valleys Development Company (HotVDC). This may be available from NRW, HotVDC, or the Planning Inspectorate (PINS).